How to submit? -Download Sounds For Free -Download Sounds For is a site where users can search for sounds.

What sort of sounds can you search for at Users can search for the sounds of melodious birds such as the thrush bird or blue jay. Or users can download sound effects such as door bells and rushing water. is easy to use. First users must type in a key word such as “thunder”. will produce a list of thunder sounds including thunder and rain. Each result will have a brief description along with the frame rate, length for the frame and bit rate. The user can them preview all of the sounds and the sound effects that the user wishes to use they can download. If you are producing music or editing a film can be a very useful source because you can find many different sounds and sound effects. Users can donate sounds by listing their name and web, uploading a WAV file and adding keywords. Find sounds at -Download Sounds For Free In Their Own Words

“Soungle is a free site, developed by Southern Codes, for finding all kind of sound FX and musical instruments samples on our mega online library. As different from most of similar sites, Soungle is NOT a Web search engine. It only searches in our growing monster database. Our goals are to keep it simple to use (search, preview and download) and to keep it free.

Keyword searches are performed by entering any word or phrase in a search box. The retrieved results of a keyword search are displayed ten to a page. Clicking on play icon allows you to preview a file. Download button instantly downloads the sound effect or musical instrument sample file. A short description of the sound appears on top of every sound, followed by the frame rate, duration and bit rate. Remember, all of our sound effects and samples are royalty free for downloading.”

Why -Download Sounds For Free It Might Be A Killer has a clean and clear interface. The site is simple to use and has a large selection of sounds to choose from. It is great that each sound has a description and lists other relevant information. Allowing users to donate sounds is a good way to encourage the growth of the database.

Some Questions About -Download Sounds For Free

A testimonial section would be a great way to promote the site. It would also be interesting to see how popular each sound is by listing how many times it has been downloaded. -Download Sounds For Free

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