How to submit? – Because You Can Not Trust Anyone

MyWot.comWeb of trust, which is more conveniently AKA’ed as WOT, endeavors to find out just who on the web, is to be trusted. Its members extend their reach across the net and seek out the trustworthy while reporting the not so trustworthy.

You too can be a part of this internet police force by simply downloading the software which comes with a handy browser add-on for reporting sites as you happen upon them (much like StumbleUpon, actually). Don’t restrict yourself to complaints and tirades though; WOT also encourages rave reviews and ecstatic critiques in order to fully determine a website’s rep. Sites are rated based on four criteria: vendor reliability, privacy, child safety, and trust worthiness. If you happen to be venturing to a WOT rated ‘Dangerous’ site a red warning sign will appear telling you to be careful—you can of course enter the site at your own risk. Green, obviously means go, whereas yellow signifies slow down, as a site isn’t as pristine and safe as you might think. WOT users have rated over 16 million sites already. Check it out for yourself, and remember to surf safely. In Their Own Words

“WOT, short for Web of Trust, is a community where members exchange knowledge on about web sites: Can they be trusted? Are they safe to use? Do they deliver what they promise? If a site has a bad reputation, WOT will warn you – and save you a lot of trouble.

By joining the WOT community you can protect yourself and help others. Our mission is to make the Internet safer by letting our users share their experience on web sites and the services they offer. WOT is a powerful tool – and it’s free! We have information on over 16 million sites. Join us today and make the Internet safer for us all.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

WOT acts as a sort of community watch guard only it’s for the entire net. There’s a lot of ground to cover, but with user contributions, this could grow into a veritable Wikipedia of site reputation. It’s certainly a good idea and it has potential.

Some Questions About

The ways in which you can rate sites are limiting on WOT—their parameters are too narrow. Also the fact that you can only participate by downloading the software may strike some as unnecessary and therefore undesirable. What about rating individuals as well?

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