How to submit? – Bringing Similar Opinions Together

Amplicate.comThe ability to say what you want and get away with it is one of the defining aspects of the WWW. A fact is a fact: people who would not say something in real life have no reservations setting it down on the Internet.

I think the lack of direct contact factors heavily when it comes to such a phenomenon. And I also think it would be nice if we had a way of learning who thinks the same way as we do when we rant, rave or give out a neutral opinion online.

That is exactly what the resource under review right now does. Amplicate collects different opinions that are scattered over the web and centralizes them. As a result, if you want to know whether customers are bad mouthing a product you released or singing its praises, you will be able to do so. And the site also lends itself to other uses, which are certainly more lighthearted but no less important to many of us. For example, if you think Taylor Swift is the most overrated country artist ever you can check the site in order to see if you are alone or if the vast majority of people think like you. Actually, I picked up the wrong example – we know what the consensus as far as the female country “sensation” is. But you get the idea.

Other than that, note that if you are into Twitter you will be able to leave your opinion by adding the hashtags that are listed on the site. So the width and breadth of the web is already covered by Amplicate. In Their Own Words

“Amplicate collects similar opinions in one place; making them more likely to be found by people and companies.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

People love to talk, and they love to see what others are saying. This website has their needs covered on both fronts.

Some Questions About

How can this site gain recognition and become as widespread as it needs to become in order to be truly representative?

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