How to submit? – Stylish URL Shortening Tool

ZipMyUrl.comOne consequence of the web’s growth is very, very long urls. Not only are the things everywhere, they also happen to be rather annoying.

They tend to break and are, more often than not, hard to paste. ZipMyUrl’s one goal is to fix that. It tidies up those windy web addresses and turns them into neat, crisp, short things which you can handle with ease. To use it, just enter in any web address and hit the zip button. You can even zip multiple urls at once, simply by leaving spaces between each address. The resulting url will look something like Zipped addresses can be made private and they can be password protected. You can even add tags to your addresses. Besides that, if you sign up, you’ll be able to publish your urls directly to Twitter or delicious. Most recent zips are displayed on the homepage. In Their Own Words

“Cut those annoying web addresses down to size”

Why It Might Be A Killer

So there are tons of url shortening services out there, but Zip has got style. The design and execution are noteworthy. It’s also got more functionality than other services. For instance, you can directly send your urls to Twitter, and you can password protect them too. Works like a charm.

Some Questions About

How will people find out about this service? How is it maintained?

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