How to submit? – Keep Track of Your Time

LiveTimer.comLivetimer is an online time tracking tool. It’s got a flexible user interface and a range of features including, but not limited to, SSL security for all accounts, user permissions, powerful reporting, and time zone awareness.

You’ve got a tabbed interface with categories for timer, report, clients, jobs and tasks, sand activities. The timer itself is visible throughout. There’s restart and stop button and the start time can be edited. The time ledger is there to help you review, create and edit time entries. It’s organized via tabs per day and for the week in its entirety. Entries can be classified by the user. There are summary reports which summarize your time accorded to the classifications you’ve configured. User permissions allow you to control who can see what, and who can enter certain information. There’s a free thirty day trial—afterwards it costs $5 per user per month. In Their Own Words

“LiveTimer is the premier online time tracking service. It can be used by anyone on the Internet to track time for billing purposes or to improve accountability and productivity.

LiveTimer works for groups of all sizes and can be customized to meet your needs.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

This is a comprehensive and well designed tool. It is intuitive and simple to use—you won’t get confused. It responds well and its flexibility makes it practical for a wide range of professions.

Some Questions About

Will prices remain as the same? Can users obtain backups of all their data? Can you export and import data?

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