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Headmagnet – Never Forget Anything Again

HeadmagnetIf you have some trouble when it comes to memorizing anything, this site might be worth a look. In general terms, Headmagnet is a tool that studies and analyzes the way your mind works and that can eventually learn to predict when you will forget something.

In that way, it becomes capable of reminding you of things at the right moment instead of bombarding you with messages at all times of day that will eventually get in your nerves.

Creating this sort of model of what is in you head involves a long period of usage, obviously. You will be required to create study lists and work with them online, keeping track of everything that you are doing. The interaction with others will also be pivotal, and by creating (or joining) groups and employing new smart cards your interests and strengths will be easily determined. A set of running stats of what’s in your mind will be generated in due time, and this will (hopefully) help you predict and prevent the effects of memory decay. That is the aim of the site, in the end. I don’t know if it can get that far, but it sure is useful for remembering these elusive little things that always tend to fall by the wayside.

Headmagnet In Their Own Words

“Get stuff in your head and keep it there!”

Why Headmagnet It Might Be A Killer

The ones that need exercising their minds will have a splendid chance to do that right here.

Some Questions About Headmagnet

Can this already be integrated with other services? Headmagnet

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