How to submit? – Thoughtful Tweets Galore

Tweeght.comSome claim that Twitter is predominantly made up of dross, and that is true to a certain extent. That is, to the extent that YouTube has videos that are a waste of time, and to the extent that MySpace Music has tracks recorded by bands that don’t cut it under any concept.

It is all a matter of perspective.

It is tempting to say that a solution such as this one was solely devised in order to bring some depth to the whole scene. That is, Tweeght collects deep and profound tweets that are not necessarily created by those who post them – rather, they come from luminaries and bright minds all through history. The connection is always made clear, though, as the name of the one being quoted is always included at the end of the tweet.

Let’s look at some of the tweets on offer, shall we? There is one that reads ‘Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant’. This one comes from Robert Louis Stevenson. Another one reads ‘Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, & I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content”. The quoted person in this case is Helen Keller.

I could go on transcribing tweets, but I am sure you have gotten the idea by now. If you want to take part of the whole project, just visit the site and read about the supported posting methods. In Their Own Words

“Tweeght is not only a tweet, but also a thought. Post a thoughtful tweet. Someone may like to quote or retweet you.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

The ones interested in the wisdom of luminaries and the knowledge of yore will take a true liking to the site.

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