How to submit? – Lessen Environmental Footprints

Creativecitizen.comCreativeCitizen is a “how to” site that solicits users opinions and suggestions on ways to lessen day-to-day environmental impact. The site weans out bad user suggestions through user voting allowing the cream to rise to the top.

The basic idea is to provide a space where people can submit easy-to-implement ways of becoming greener. Alongside each suggestion is a global impact rating which currently includes five different categories: Water, Waste, Money, Electricity and Emissions. Perhaps the best part about the site is that it shows people how making simple choices can have a real impact like for example that using reusable grocery bags will save approximately 24 pounds of waste per year. In Their Own Words

“Creative Citizen™ is a mental shift: humans don’t always have to be users and abusers, they can also be creators. Instead of continuing down the same path of global unawareness and consumption, a Creative Citizen™ reduces worldwide problems to daily, personal solutions. Our goal here is to help each person see how little acts have truly big effects.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

This site has a great deal of potential due to the fact that it will be more appealing to the average person that the majority of the “carbon counting” sites. By including money saved as one of the categories, many people who wouldn’t generally consider themselves to be environmentalists might jump on board to save money.

Some Questions About

Have they considered running a competition to see who can save the most in each category over a year? They could donate to the charity of the winners’ choice.

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