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How To Choose The Best Guest Blogger For Your Site


by Veronica Clyde


When you are looking for a way to boost the number of visitors you have to your site, and you want to be able to reduce the amount of content that you have to write, you can always choose to have a guest blogger take over for a day.


One of the great things about guest bloggers is that they are going to bring along with them some of their own audience who will want to read what they have to say on your site. These new readers will likely look around your site and see what else you have to offer. If you have good content, they might come back. In addition, it gives you a bit of a break for the day.


However, you do have to be choosy with your guest bloggers. It is important that you have bloggers who are going to be right for your site. The following are some tips that you can use when you are choosing bloggers to help you out.





The Right Niche

You want to have a blogger who has a good reputation when it comes to your field. The number of visitors that a blogger might be able to generate for you, and the quality of the post, is going to relate to how much they know about the field. If you are choosing a popular blogger who writes about VPN services, and you are trying to sell handmade dolls, the audience is not going to jive. You have to make sure that the blogger you choose actually makes sense for your readers.


How Popular is the Blogger?

It’s true that popularity is important online, and that’s true when you are choosing people to write as your guest bloggers. Why is popularity so vital when you are looking for someone to write on your blog? Consider how many people they have following their own blog. Then consider the number of people they have following them on Twitter and Facebook, along with the other social media sites. With all of these connections, you can be sure that at least a portion of the followers is going to come and visit your blog when he or she posts. The more popular the blogger the more people who will likely come to your site.





Knowing SEO Could Be Important

Having someone who is an expert in your field is great, but you will want to make sure that you have someone who also knows a bit about SEO. They don’t have to be an expert, but it would be nice if they knew a bit about keywords as well as how to use them properly in the text. If they do not know these things, you can always optimize the text later, but that wastes time. If they can add their own keywords, it is much more convenient.


What’s the Style?

You want to have a guest blogger who has a good writing style that is engaging and easy to follow. The writing does not have to be award winning, but the style should be right for your particular readers. If you have a highly technical blog, the blogger doesn’t need to know everything, but using the right terms is helpful.


In addition, you might want to mention to the guest blogger that you like to have some type of call to action in your posts. This will give the reader an action to take when they finish with the post. This could be something as simple as downloading a free PDF or signing up for a newsletter, or even leaving a comment. The call to action is up to you.


Veronica Clyde is a dedicated writer at – a website where you can read about VPN services and online security. She also loves to share VPN technology, WordPress and blogging tips.


Photo Credits

Stuart Miles | thaikrit |

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