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Friday Top 10 Tech Reflections


Our patience is short, our memory is short, and our time even shorter. The startup hustle makes it impossible to absorb all the great stories, industry news, tips and advice directed our way. Shouldn’t there always be a second chance? Some new companies are too promising to miss, some people so inspiring that we really should see them up close. Some ideas deserve extra attention…



  • Each neighborhood is loaded with genius. Just look. Why not learn new skills from the amazing craftsman and artisans around you? You name the price.
  • Reign in the awesomeness! Too many great products emerge on Kickstarter and Indiegogo to keep track of anymore. REIGN23 has collected the winners for you to find easily.
  • I suppose when you’re the size of Google you’re bound to let a few great apps hit pay dirt on their own. The number of project management tools and CRM platforms also might make it easy to ignore another member of the club. Still… YOU can be in the know by checking out Insightly.



  • Years from now, when people look book and marvel at the individuals who best understood social platforms and managed to lead no matter the type of venture, Soraya Darabi will be included in conversation. Simply a dazzling individual and entrepreneur.
  • Start university at 15. Program your first website at sixteen. Your typical childhood growing up in a log cabin, right? Maybe if you’re an Abraham Lincoln or a Gideon Kimbrell.
  • In this world, who know know makes all the difference. SocialTagg makes it so much easier to connect and network at events.



A Few More Thoughts

  • What better way to spend the weekend than plotting the disruption of industries? These 3 industries have yet to realize their potential during the technology renaissance.
  • Not only are they centers of affordable talent and bustling with budding entrepreneurs, college towns offer startups a number of resources easy to take for granted. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t consider the advantages of setting up shop near a university.
  • It clearly was a musician and not an entrepreneur that said “Time is on my side.” Not that time and entrepreneurs need to be enemies. Check out these time management tips so you can go back to singing along with the Rolling Stones joyfully.
  • Not even being a global mastermind of evil can spare you from mockery if you set the wrong price for your goods and services (see the first Austin Powers film if the reference is unfamiliar). Heed these important suggestions before pricing your product.



Photo Credits

Andrey Maximov

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