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Incite Ecstasy In Your Facebook Fanbase.
Build Facebook Pages With fanBuildr App


Maybe you’re a social media professional, or maybe you’re a small business owner who never dreamed your company would ever have anything to do with the web. Whether you love it or relent to it, having a landing page and Facebook page are now more or less standard practice, the equivalent of opening the lock on a brick and mortar store. Growing startup fanBuildr helps you build Facebook pages that rock by providing tools to attract traffic to your pages and keep customers clicking through your online door.



Best thought of as a page building and social media content management app, fanBuildr takes advantage of click and drag software that allows users to create custom pages without a design degree or knowledge of code. Media gurus can track tabs and pages for a multitude of clients with one dashboard, and beginners can create pages as comfortably as a veteran.


Page Building

Some page creators may recognize a few features of fanBuildr from it’s earlier incarnation as the Hosted iFrame app (before Facebook’s Timeline was around). Hosted iFrame tools have been absorbed into fanBuildr’s expanded services.

Current features include but are not limited to:


  • HTML Editor AND Drag ‘n’ Drop Design
  • Fangate / Likegate content for users both before or after they Like your Facebook page
  • 25MB of image file hosting per page for free
  • Google Analytics for stats tracking
  • Custom tab icon creating





A simple Facebook page that provides information and a place for feedback already seems like a quaint notion. Visitors expect greater engagement nowadays – quizzes, questionnaires, tabs connecting to other pages, images, content from other sites like Twitter and Pinterest. Each of these elements, fanBuildr helps page designers of all skill levels assemble.


Edit directly through Facebook or by logging in onsite. Manage all your pages in one place. Upload images to your media library with the image widget in PageBuildr, and the image URL will auto set so that it’s ready to go for your page. Let your fans feast their eyes on pics with the same gusto as this guy below, about to devour some Thanksgiving turkey!





Plans are structured according to how many pages you need to manage. One page runs $5 per month, and up to 200 pages costs $235 monthly. Every paid plan comes with a 14 day trial period. Cancel within the first thirty days if you’re unhappy and receive a full refund. Hard to convince skeptics can try Hosted iFrame for one page free of charge.


Founder Robert Mazur is also the owner of MonsterApps LLC and co-founder of the software developer Redeemly. After graduating from the University of Florida, he went on to work as a software engineer and consultant before assuming the helm of his own ventures. Follow Mazur here on Twitter.





Photo Credits

fanBuildr | Twitter | Flickr

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