How to submit? – Tweets From Your MSN

TwitterMSN.comFrom the creators of TwitterMail comes TwitterMSN, a service which allows you to update your twitter from your MSN account. All you have to do is add msn@twittermsn.

com to your contact list on your account. TwitterMail serves two functions: a means in which to send tweets for their third party service, and to receive the latest 20 friends update from their TwitterMSN bot. As a bonus, you can create longer tweets in spite of the 140 character Twitter limit, just the same as their TwitterMail service. You’ll be able to write Tweets even when their service is down, and they’ll replace longer URLs with TinyURL automatically. In Their Own Words

For updating your Twitter account by using TwitterMSN simply add:
[email protected]

To your MSN Contact list. Happy Twitting!

Only send ‘friends’ to the TwitterMSN bot to recieve the latest 20 friends update!

•Automatic TinyURL replacement
•We always deliver your tweet, also when Twitter is down
•You can create longer tweets

Why It Might Be A Killer

This is a nice additional service, one I believe many more Twitter users will take advantage of in place of their TwitterMail since it’s much more accessible. Previously, you had to sign up with a TwitterMail account, but with this new startup there is no need for logins, the whole package is accessible straight from your MSN buddylist. This is almost a duplicate service, with the same look and feel to their interface as their previous service. It’s equally as cool, since you won’t have to go to the Twitter site to send tweets and receive feeds from your friends latests tweets, it’s right there on your buddy list.

Some Questions About

Will they make their service compatible with other instant messenger clients, AIM, Yahoo! et. al.?

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