How to submit? – Twitter Hashtag Finder

Twitag.comTwitag allows you to view, group, organize, and search through the various #tags tweeted on Twitter. Every time someone tweets with #someword, that word creates a tag for a grouping of tweets.

Apparently it became popular when Nate Ritter started to organize his posts during the San Diego forest fires in 2007 using the tag #sandiegofire to group all of his tweets related to that time into one easy to find space. Twitag is the spot to check out what people are hashtagging and where to view the groups of tagged tweets related to you. It’s a good idea for anyone trying to group a bunch of posts related to a specific event, game, location, problem, or whatever else you can think of. Twitag is a sort of filing cabinet for Twitter posts. In Their Own Words

“Twitag is a #tag finder for Twitter. Our goal is to facilitate and organize the most recent content tagged by users.

All words posted in messages that begin with a hash (#) are considered a tag or hashtag. Hashtags were popularized during the San Diego forest fires in 2007 when Nate Ritter (Twitter user) used the tag #sandiegofire to identify his updates related to the disaster.

What Twitag do?
You can see, group and share #tags. A useful tool to group posts related to live events (meetings, conferences, games), services (traffic, weather, emergency), memes, and so on.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

Twitag makes it possible for different Twitter users to group their comments based on certain topics under group headings and then find them in one spot. The layout is attractive and it’s easy to find the tags you are looking for, with the most popular hashtags appearing larger at the top of the list.

Some Questions About

How will they get rid of posts that have nothing to do with tagging but that use the hash sign, such as when people are listing things like blog post #3 or rule #2? Does the general Twitter community know how to use the hashtags, or at least enough to use this site?

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