How to submit? – Feelings & Ideas

Twendz.Waggeneredstrom.comIf you are looking for help in order to find online conversations about the topics you are interested in this is the solution that will give you what you need especially if you want to know more about feelings.

Twendz is a nice solution that evaluates about 70 tweets at a time through different words that reflect a variety of feelings. This is quite an intelligent application that is useful to give you an idea about how people feel. One good thing about it is the fact that each time new tweets are posted the system updates the users’ status.

Twendz is all about people’s ideas and emotional reactions by connecting trends, as well as conversation, topics and a wide variety of points of view. The system uses a complex scoring process related to different words (similar to inferential statistics when you measure concepts) based on a “dictionary” of words associated with positive or negative feelings.

This is a nice solution that will catch your attention and you can realize its usefulness after you start using it. Twendz actually analyzes information about how tweets might change from time to time, so you can relate these changes to the tweeters’ mood, and feelings as well as their behavioural tendencies. Learn more about it at In Their Own Words

“Twendz is a Twitter mining Web application that utilizes the power of Twitter Search, highlighting conversation themes and sentiment of the tweets that talk about topics you are interested in. As the conversation changes, so does twendz by evaluating up to 70 tweets at a time. When new tweets are posted, they are dynamically updated, minute by minute.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

It will help user that need to know their Twitter contacts’ emotional flow.

Some Questions About

What is the next step in relation to the site’s development?

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