How to submit? – Connect With Your Love

TheIceBreak.comDon’t let the routine take a toll on your relationship, use a service like The Ice Break in order to keep everything fresh and exciting. This new social site for couples is going to let you connect with your significant other in a way that’s always fun and engaging. As a user of The Ice Break you can answer questions that are related to your couple, and you can also use a feature named “Capture today’s moment”, and share pictures of anything that amazes you over the course of the day with your other half.

This is all done privately, with only you and your partner seeing what’s being shared. But if you want to share what makes your relationship unique with the world, then that can also be done. You can share all your media and messages with other Ice Break users. But when doing so, you can withhold your identity (and your couple’s) so that people will never know who the messages they’re reading belong to. They’ll juts get a glimpse into the lives of people who’re really happy.

The Ice Break is the newest tool that aims to improve communication within a relationship. There’s not a lot of these around, really (I can only think of two other ones: BeCouply and Tokii), and at a time in which couples connect more and more via their mobiles and social sites, these are the kind of services that never go amiss. In Their Own Words

Whether you’re newly together, engaged, married or somewhere in between, theicebreak keeps your love life fresh and fun.

Some Questions About

Isn’t sharing such information with other dangerous, even when it’s done anonymously?

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