How to submit? – Trading Words On Twitter

Pretweeting.comThis is one for these Twitter users that also are attached to virtual stocks. In a nutshell, on this site they will be able to employ a virtual currency in order to sell and buy the most popular words on Twitter, or rather, the words that they think have the potential for becoming top trending terms.

The individuals who excel at this are honored on the site, in the section named “Leaders”.

Using the site entails no disclosing of identifiable particulars, as you can easily sign though OAuth and get going in no time at all.

This site is not only a good spot to while away some hours, but it is actually also interesting to those who have to launch viral campaigns and need to do some research.

So, how do you think you can fare at the game of predicting trends on Twitter? Like a powermonger? Like a no-hoper? This site will let everybody realize how accurate these perceptions are, and it goes without saying that anything that has to do with the Silicon Valley startup has a target audience the size of the iceberg that sank the Titanic. In Their Own Words

“Make a (virtual) profit by buying and selling words on twitter. Predict what’s going to be hot and buy it up before it hits twitter, and you’ll make a killing once people start talking about it. (no actual money required!)”

Why It Might Be A Killer

It is a good way to pass some time, and marketers will put it to sound business uses, too.

Some Questions About

How much virtual money has each person got to start with?

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