How to submit? – Simple Task List Creation Tool

OrchestrateHQ.comOrchestrateHQ is probably one of the simplest organizational tools out there. If you’re looking for a no-frills to-do list creation service, OrchestrateHQ can probably help you out.

To use this little application, simply start by creating a task, for example, “Groceries”. This will produce a small task-creation box which is docked in the left side of the page. You can add more boxes as needed for the tasks that you need to accomplish. Each task list can also be modified by adding one or more specific tasks; for example, under “Groceries”, you might write “onions”, “milk”, “peanut butter”, etc. Each entry will show up in the task box with a checkable square next to it. When the task is completely, naturally, you mark it off with a check (OrchestrateHQ will automatically label tasks as “pending” or “completed”). When you’re done, you can un-dock the lists from the left margin of the page and drag them to the center, where you can see them expanded with a full view of all your tasks. In Their Own Words

“I built OrchestrateHQ out of a genuine need. I wanted a way of managing a number of different task lists quickly. I felt there was a large gap in the feature-set of existing online task managers – they all tended to be either too basic or too convoluted for my needs.
This is the end result of me thinking: How would I like to manage my tasks?, and perhaps it will be useful to some of you too”.

Why It Might Be A Killer

The easiest to-do list creator out there. No muss, no fuss. It’s great for anyone who doesn’t need a hardcore, multi-feature organizational app to keep track of various personal and professional goings-on.

Some Questions About

Of course, because it’s so simple, OrchestrateHQ will deter a lot of users who require more features. OrchestrateHQ could retain its simplicity and ease of use even if they added some more functionality to the application; I think in particular it would benefit from an exporting option.

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