How to submit? – Shortening Links & Chatting With Others

Nur.phIf you can imagine a system that couples URL shortening with chat rooms you will be able to get to the bottom of this new site right away. Essentially, Nurph provides a series of functionalities for putting links across, and for ensuring that when people click on any of these they will have something to keep them entertained on the other side of the shortened URL.

That translates into the fact that visitors who arrive at the site or blog whose URL you have shortened will be presented with a chat room for interacting with others that have landed there too. This chat room could be better defined as a pop up chart that appears on the bottom right of your browser, but the concept remains the same – it is a space where people can interact, find common ground and (ultimately) stay longer on your site or blog.

A very nice touch is that whenever you join a Nurph chatroom all your Twitter friends are sent out a message with the link, so that they will know where to find you and how to do it if they feel like chatting a little. Such a feature is not only nice – it is absolutely necessary. Had something like it been omitted then these chatrooms would have stood like isolated islands in the sea. And the fact that you can share the link to the Nurph chatroom yourself via Twitter, Facebook and email is also well-devised. In Their Own Words

“Social web browsing and real-time chat.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

It offers an interesting twist on something tried and tested like surfing the WWW and recommending links to your friends.

Some Questions About

What about supported browsers?

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