How to submit? – URL Shortening Solution

M3MI.comM3MI is another in a long line of solutions that allow you to shorten long URLs into more manageable ones that have less chance of breaking when you share them online or in an email. Simply enter a long URL into the space provided and M3MI automatically makes you a shorter one that you can use to share around the web.

Once you’ve been given your new shorter URL you can either copy it to a clipboard, copy the delete link to your clipboard, or enter a new long link for shortening. The site is simple to use and the links you make are in the following format: So, the next time you need to shorten a link, check out M3MI which will allow you to shrink down that link fast and for free. In Their Own Words

“M3MI is a free service for shortening long URL’s. On one hand this is done with style on the other hand you are able to indicate, protect and track your URL’s.

Why It Might Be A Killer

M3MI works quickly and it does exactly what it says it will. If they can market the site right, it could become a favorite tool for URL shortening.

Some Questions About

How can they market this site to gain traction in a space that is simply overloaded with options? Perhaps they will need to consider revenue sharing on advertising to persuade people to adopt the service instead of continuing with their current one?

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