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Joomla Packages – Instant Advanced CMS, Hosting, Domain and Services

Saves an immence amout of time installing Joomla and some of its popular and necessary third-party components. JP handles all facets of Joomla, diminishing the CMS learning curve.

They also provide Video tutorials to make a smooth transition into the Web 2.0 world using Joomla.

Joomla Packages In Their Own Words

Joomla Is NOT free….It costs YOUR time…How much is YOUR time WORTH?

Why Joomla Packages It Might Be A Killer

If they add more packages in the future it has the possibility of capturing the lead in its niche market. They become one of many future businesses that specialize in providing learning curve reduction services. The interesting thing is that Joomla Packages is selling its services to the open source community, which by its very definition doesn’t spend money. If JP can pull it off they’ll do so because they proved themselves useful, and in Web2.0 useful is a must.

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