How to submit? – Helping Others Through The Internet

GivingAnon.orgGenerosity is a true virtue when it comes to human relationships. There are many ways for helping others, and giving anonymously is an effective one.

This is the site of a non-profit organization that makes it easier to spread generosity between people. In case you are thinking about contributing with others, is going to be a good place for you to do that and have the possibility to contribute with others in a simple way.

One of the main goals of this organization is to connect people through giving in a setting that can be as private as the person wants it to be. The site makes it possible for both sides to get in touch and manifest their gratitude if that is what they wish to do.

The truth is that you could actually change your life by giving to others. Why? Because you experience a great feeling when you realize that you are really helping for good. A site like this one, then, is valuable indeed as it makes the process as direct and flexible as you might want. In Their Own Words

“Our goal is to enable and encourage you to be your own charity, and for you to give anonymously to those around you in need. Sure, you could give money to us and expect us to find those in need. But then your neighbor who lost his job and now can’t pay the bills or adequately feed his family, will not be helped.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

Because it will empower both those who give and those who receive to interact and get to know each other if they want to.

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