How to submit? – Swap Your Furniture

Furnishly.comAs much as we would love to do it, renovating our homes is something we often call off for ever and ever simply because we don’t have the time and (more importantly) the money to get down to it. But sites like Furnishly are here to remedy that, and let us redecorate our living spaces without having to worry about how much it would cost us. This site acts as a local exchange where people from all over the country can list the furniture they no longer have a use for, and have that swapped for something that would fit their actual redecoration schemes.

People from all over the US are allowed to list their furniture on this site, and once anything has been posted on Furnishly then others are allowed to look it up by street address, by city and by postal code.

Some of the cities that have seen the most activity so far include New York, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco. You can actually see a list detailing the most popular cities on the site, along with all the latest furniture that users of Furnishly have been posting as of late. In Their Own Words

The local furniture exchange.

Some Questions About

How is the actual shipping of furniture handled? What are the recommended services for taking care of that?

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