How to submit? – Outsmarting Evil Spam

Defensio.comComment spam is a problem, and will continue to be so. They created Defensio to make spam management much easier for bloggers and application developers alike.

At launch they have plug-ins available for WordPress and PixelPost (with more platforms to come online soon) as well as developer plug-ins for Rails and .NET that can send screenshots and more info on request. As you post articles to your blog and your readers’ comments flow in, Defensio adapts to your content and habits in a personalized way. This means that no two bloggers will see Defensio react in precisely the same way, even for similar comments, which is a good thing — because one person’s ham might be another person’s spam. And our continuously evolving set of algorithmic tricks ensures that we’ll never let spammers gain the upper hand. In Their Own Words

“Defensio is a spam filtering web service that you can use to protect your blog or web application from comment spam.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

Easy spam management, sort by spaminess to easily identify false positives. RSS feeds of comments and spam (it’s an RSS world after all). Detailed statistics for complete transparency (it’s your data). Stellar accuracy (busy blogs seeing well over 99.5% accuracy in testing). Not just for blogs (they expose a simple, easy-to-use API).

Some Questions About

Is Defensio a replacement for Akismet? Does Defensio work in conjunction with other spam filtering plugins?

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