How to submit? – Your Gateway to Savings

DealPass.comAre you a bargain hunter? Looking for the best deals and offers? Then check out this site. Deal Pass offers their website visitor’s access to a wide range of shopping tools such as grocery coupons, a price comparison tool, a travel reservation booking engine, seasonal deals, special offers, helpful tips, free downloads and more.

By hosting several savings programs at one location, is able to use the purchasing power of the programs’ combined 10 million active members to negotiate special rates on goods and services that consumers can’t get on their own. Even if you’re not a program member, you can still take advantage of all the special offers and savings tools available on DealPass. Their special offers are frequently updated so be sure to visit often. For details of the current membership offers, just click on the area you’re interested in saving money on. Choose from: Health and Wellness, Shopping, Prescription Savings etc.

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