How to submit? – Codify for Your Love Compatibility is the most sophisticated dating system cum social network the net knows.

When joining the network, users have to complete a rather lengthy and detailed questionnaire, and after that’s done the site comes up with a 9-digit number which codifies all that information much in the same way your personal DNA does; when compared with other people’s number, your personal code reveals a possible match range on a 0-10 scale. The thing that sets apart from other dating services is that users’ profiles can browsed only by other registered members who have a code of their own, and these can only get in touch with you if they have a compatibility rate that adjusts to what you have set beforehand, for instance 8 out of 10. The site has extensive additional features, which allow users to store comments, notes, personal journals and rating of the network’s members they have been in touch with, much in the same way old fashioned “little black books” used to work. You can also use their Browse feature to search their database of users for those who you meet their Dating Threshold. The site even has a developers section for those interesting in building widgets from their APIs. They have a very solid Facebook application, for example. In Their Own Words

“Dating DNA is designed for those who already know how to meet others, either online or offline, at places like MySpace, Craigslist, chat rooms, clubs, at church, work, and so on, but they want a fast way of filtering out those who they aren’t compatible with, without investing hours in emails, IMs, phone calls, endless questions, and uncomfortable dates. For example, imagine knowing before you even reply to a posting on Craigslist if you’re compatible with that person or not!”

Why It Might Be A Killer

If this site is to obliterate uncomfortable, expensive and soul-shattering dates forever it has to definitely become an instant success, and even if it doesn’t, the sole perspective of not having to share one’s love interests with anyone fishing around the net is definitely a reason as to why might become a better alternative to existing dating systems. (If you’re a Linux fan, you’ll be interested to know that Dating DNA’s CEO and Founder is the former CEO of Linspire, Kevin Carmony.)

Some Questions About

It is an inescapable truth that everyone lies in their profiles, thus rendering the claim of determining whether you are somebody’s perfect match quite elusive. Is there really any alternative than actually meeting people and deciding for yourself if you like them or not?

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