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Carbon Neutral Search Engine

The Carbon Neutral Search Engine, offsets the CO2 emissions generated through producing search queries. The people behind the Carbon Neutral Search estimate that the average search emits a fraction of a gram of CO2, with the inclusion of the users personal computer usage they estimate that this is 17.

57g [In comparison the carbon footprint of a 34.5g packet of Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps is 75g, and the carbon footprint of the average person in the United Kingdom emits 9.8t of CO2 annually]. Each search query processed by the Carbon Neutral Search Engine which is powered by Google will be offset equal to or greater than 100g of carbon dioxide.

Why Carbon Neutral Search Engine It Might Be A Killer

The allows a user to quantify the impact each search has on the environment and offsets the emissions and more for free. The website promotes the need to reduce our overall impact on the environment. Revenue is invested in projects which offer ethical and environmental benefits such as reforestation, energy efficiency and renewable energy.

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