How to submit? – Get Political, Learn About Issues, Discuss

BroBag.comBrobag is a community-driven social site which focuses on government issues. The set-up has a Digg-like feel as issues and articles are submitted by the community at large.

As for the issues themselves, they’re pretty wide-ranging and expansive, covering topics such as foreign policy, healthcare reform, the war in Iraq, taxes, environment, education, and privacy laws. Brobag’s goal is to drum up concern and discussion for matters that concern everyone. Here, members are encouraged to come up with real, collaborative solutions, to examine problems, and to learn from each other—think of it as a variety of political crowd-sourcing, or true, people powered democracy. The site may also be used as a testing ground for the platforms and ideas of aspiring political candidates; alternately, actual politicians could get a pretty good idea of what concerns their constituency. The name Brobag, in case you’re wondering, stems from brown bag, which in corporate speak implies an exchange of knowledge over lunch. In Their Own Words

“Brobag is a user driven social content site focused specifically on government issues. The issues span across all levels Foreign Policy, Healthcare, Social Security and Taxes just to name a few. These issues are felt at various levels federal, state, local and international. is a medium for users to collaborate on issues they are passionate about, learn about the processes that take place at each level and brainstorm solutions to issues (Power in numbers!). If you have political aspirations, this would be a good form to test out ideas and gain support. If you are in politics, this is a forum where you can listen to your voters and what is affecting them.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

Brobag sounds good on paper. It allows for a sort of real democracy—for the people, by the people. The site has potential, but it needs work.

Some Questions About

The site seems to be bogged down by bugs. The layout and design could use some work. How does the site expect to become major enough that politicians and aspiring political figures pay attention? Are submissions moderated? Is there any type of quality control?

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