How to submit? – Air Your WorkComplaints Anonymously

BoredAt.netBoredAt was initially launched as a sort of college confessional—a means for college kids to bitch, pout, confess, whine, extemporize and rave, anonymously about life at their university. Now this real world-esque internet ensemble is letting companies join in on the antics.

Taking a glance at the site you’ll see that each uni and company get’s its own respective closed network which shows the real time activities of its users. There are separate sections for rants, sex talk, alumni, overheard, and confessions. If Twitter is a fascinating dip into the trivialities of life, BoredAt is a titillating glimpse of boredom and its consequences. Of course, keeping with the anon aspect, profiles, registration and personal info aren’t asked for; users can use any pseudonym at any time and more than one person can share the same handle which makes for interesting comparisons from the chat angle. Additionally, users can submit videos, photos, thoughts, anything really. There are also rating and voting options for each item. In Their Own Words

“boredat was born in february 2006 when jp launched, named after columbia university?s butler library. the idea was to create a place for free speech where users could post their thoughts anonymously. when boredatcolumbia took off, students at other schools began requesting their own boredAt sites as well. jp has since been opening up to different colleges and universities across the country.

what makes boredat unique is that there are no signup requirements, accounts, profiles to fill out, or personal information to divulge. students or employees who are physically on campus or in the office can instantly post, chat, and share videos, links, photos, and listings. a thumbs up / thumbs down voting system lets users surface the top content.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

BoredAt is a fascinating and mesmerizing project. Perfect outlet for malaise-ridden and bored college students to let out their anxieties and confess their secrets. Besides that, the whole anonymity factor and zero sign up make this addictively easy to use.

Some Questions About

How will this site incorporate smaller businesses? Will large companies allow it? Could this be just more fodder for corporate lawyers?

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