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What Are Invisible Startups?

Let’s say you’ve got a great startup up and running. You’ve got the people, you’ve got the funding, and you’ve got the product. You’re gearing up for a great run in the business world, and you see people using products such as yours everywhere. But there’s just one problem – they’re from other startups. As a result, you see very little from the business – making you one of many invisible startups.

That’s not to say you can’t be seen, it’s just that in a hectic business world, there are all sorts of things that could prevent you from seeing business dollars. That could result in a fold-up sooner rather than later, but you can act to prevent that and avoid becoming another of many invisible startups.

So how do you fix this problem? Well, let’s first analyze how you join the invisible startups to begin with (even if you don’t mean to). Then we’ll look at the possible solutions at hand.

Too Much Business for Invisible Startups to Get Notice

The first thing you should understand about startups is that everyone is doing them. And not just in high-market cities like New York and San Francisco. Even smaller states are seeing more and more up-and-comers entering the market. As a result, it creates competition. And some businesses do better than others.

As a result, some of these startups get lost in the shuffle. It’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, it’s just the way that certain business operates. But because they get lost, and sometimes you just can’t see who’s operating where they become one of many invisible startups.

Your business could run afoul of this problem. Actually, anyone’s can. It’s a matter of seeing what market you’re in, and where you “fit,” so to speak. But there’s more, such as weighing the popularity of competitors, as well as the need for your particular product in your market. There’s a lot to weigh in here.

But if you find your business lacking to the point you fit into the invisible startup category, not to worry. There are some ways you can fix this. Some require some heavy dollars, but others simply ask you to provide the right organization into hyping your business.

When Good Isn’t Good Enough

The first thing you need to consider when getting out of the doldrums of invisible startups is asking what the business is doing wrong. Clearly, something is off when you can’t get good business, even with competitors breathing down your neck.
This is a good time to analyze all of the aspects of your business. Start off with the basics. Do you have a good website? Are all the proper search terms in place? Could it possibly have a lackluster design that turns off potential consumers?

Next, look at the PR marketing for your company. If you’re not getting any buzz, one of the campaigns – or possibly even all of them – may not be up to speed. If this is the case, you and your team need to hit the ground running on a new campaign. Find something that works better and go after it.

You’ll also want to make sure you’ve got good community people doing things for you. After all, if there’s no word of mouth from happy consumers, there are no future consumers. Check activity there and make sure everything runs smoothly. Then see what people might be saying about you, or how your business may have done a wrong thing or two. Remember, all it takes is one negative review of Yelp and a company’s operations can change on the flip of a dime.

Look at the Competition, but Don’t Copy It

Finally, take a good close at the competition that isn’t in your invisible startup bracket. Take a close look at what they are doing to succeed. What do the consumers like about them? What makes them stand out from an overcrowded market? In this particular case, it’d be a great idea to have a good team of analysts on hand that can examine this business structure and effectiveness.

However, whatever you do, don’t copy their formula for yourself. By doing a copycat procedure, you’re basically showing others what works so well for them, and that will add to their consumer base. And with that, you’ll continue to be among the invisible startups.

Instead, talk with your team and find a business tactic that would be popular. A giveaway, perhaps. More social interaction to bring in new consumers. A new look for your website that appeals to many. There are so many directions to take to bring you out of the invisible startup column. Just make sure you don’t stick to the “same old thing.” Because by following that, you’ll continue to fail – and once the money runs out, that’s it for your business.

Hope these tips help. Now get out there and succeed!

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