How to submit? – User Guide Database

safemanuals.comSafeManuals is an entirely free site that contains over 800,000 user manuals and instruction guides within its easily searchable database. Simply enter the brand or the product reference that you are looking for or browse by well-categorized manufacturers.

There is also a section where users can choose to help the general cause by checking a list of most requested guides and uploading them to the database if they happen to have one. Finally, if you are sick and tired of having to file all of your user guides but don’t want to lose access to them, create an account and upload them all to where they will be stored for easy future access. In Their Own Words

“Where is my user guide? So much time wasted looking all over the place for the instruction manual to tune the tv-set, find the printer cartridge replacement how-to, the meaning of the blinking led on the dashboard. How many user manuals available only on cd-rom, on the internet?”

Why It Might Be A Killer

This site is excellent and it is going to appeal to anyone in need of an instruction manual. It could be especially helpful for those with old or second hand goods since the instructions to these have generally been lost a long time ago.

Some Questions About

Have they thought of adding a “search by year” option to the engine? This would allow people to specify what year the product was from if they don’t happen to have a model number.

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