How to submit? – The Romance Fiction Journal

RomanticTimes.comA couple of months ago, Germaine Greer was fretting about how pink transmits a wrong image of women, and how it really is the color of gingivitis and disease, and not of all things nice. Together with a long list of old school and avant garde feminists, Ms.

Greer has ferociously condemned romance fiction because, like pink, it transmits a stereotypical image of women as submissive, defenseless and altogether quite stupid creatures, but the fact remains that all over the world women crave these paperbacks with the most strange titling jobs ever, and don’t seem too concerned about stereotypes or anything of the like. If you are in the first group, the second or none of them but are interested in social, genre studies or literature, make sure you stop by at this site, which is the home for a magazine for readers and lovers of the romantic genre which has been published since the 70’s, of all decades. Though some of the contents for the current issue of the magazine are available online, the best and bigger bit of the magazine comes in print, to which you can subscribe through Romantic Times publishes mainly original content: usually a variety of in-depth reports, interviews to writers, features on particularly relevant or popular series, and excerpts from upcoming novels. One of the most interesting bits about the site is the ‘Manuscript Evaluation Service’, which allows users to submit their work in progress or finished novels to the editors of the magazine in order to receive expert advice on what success rate to expect when submitting the copy to a publishing house, or to better understand why they are rejecting the manuscript.

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