How to submit? – Center On Physical Activity And Disability

Ncpad.orgThis is the official website of The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability. NCPAD will provide you with personalized tools and resources to help you meet your goals and track your progress at your own pace.

It is an information center concerned with physical activity and disability, and their goal is to provide you with options and information to help you pursue whatever kind of activity you think you would enjoy. Whether is an indoor or outdoor activity, recreational or competitive, solo or team, at NCPAD you will find the resources, contacts, and assistance you need to start practicing. At the left hand side of the homepage you will find some categories that give information about disability conditions, physical activity, research, presentations, health promotion, programs, organizations, suppliers, photos and videos, and many things more. At the top of the homepage you will find some sections that provide more information about the Center and its programs.

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