How to submit? – Thyroid Diseases Information

iThyroid.comLooking for information about Thyroid diseases? If so, is the site to visit.

This page’s aim is to provide its visitors with information regarding the disease. If you think you might have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism but you are not sure, lists of the symptoms for both of them are provided for you to check out and see whether it is possible for you to carry the disease or not. In case you have your thyroid test results and can’t understand what they mean you should take a look at the test and drugs section where you will find reference ranges. There, you will also be provided with information on the different current medical treatments. If you would like to know if the RAIU test is a good idea, read the article which includes specific cases of people who have had problems after taking the test and recommendations on what to do regarding RAIU.

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