How to submit? – Homesteading Forum

Homesteadingtoday.comIf you are looking for homesteading advice, information, and links, you must visit this website first. Homesteadingtoday.

com is an online forum about homesteading where users can meet, share, and ask questions and give advices to other homestead owners and workers. Just like on any other forum, in order to be able to post your comments and questions , first you must be a registered user. If you though you were the only one interested in a website like this, think again, because up to now, there are more than 14.000 registered users. The discussion boards are divided into different topics such as country living, livestock, country homemaking, etc. Here you can find links to related website, an online store, and all the latest news from the world of homesteading. Also, the website features a singles forum, real state information, book reviews, computer questions, health info, and alternative energy resources, among many others.

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