How to submit? – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association

CFIDS.orgCFIDS is the Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Association of America. This association, like many others, has its own website.

The official site for the CFIDS is, of course, If you have CFS you will be able to navigate through the site’s pages and find some useful information. If you don’t, you will be able to check out what the site has to offer as well. In the home page you will find the latest news and updates regarding treatment and researches. Check out the press releases and be always informed about this illness. If you want, you can sign in for free and receive the e-newspaper on your email account every day. In the site you will also find free brochures, publications for you to read, and the Youth Home Page, where you will find info and support for those young boys and girls with CFIDS. Check out for more information.

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