How to submit? – A Marketplace For Gift Cards

Cardpool.comQuite simply, Cardpool is a marketplace for gift cards. By paying the site a visit you will be able to buy, sell and trade such items.

In that way, people who have received a gift card they don’t really have a use for can proceed to exchange it for one that will be useful, whereas cards can also be sold in order to make a quick profit. In either case, something that is lying about is turned into something that has a positive effect on our wallets.

From a structural point of view, the site has all the obvious sections these resources always have – “Buy” and a “Sell” categories are prominently featured, and so is a shopping cart that will remind you not to get carried away and end up spending more than you really should.

In addition to that, a wish list is included for you to specify these stores that you love shopping at, and for which no gift cards are currently listed on Card Pool. This part of the site will let you individualize them one by one, and when cards become available you will be notified. This goes into ensuring that absolutely everybody will have a more realized shopping experience through the site – he might have to wait a little longer, but that’s it. In Their Own Words

“Cardpool is a service that lets you buy gift cards for up to 30% off or sell unwanted gift cards for cash. All orders and transactions include FREE SHIPPING and are covered by our extensive Purchase Guarantee Program.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

We all have a couple of gift cards lying about that we won’t ever use. This site will let us do something productive with them.

Some Questions About

In which ways can you be notified when these cards you have been looking for become available?

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