How to submit? – Your News Feed In Your Inbox

NewsFeedEmail.comIt is estimated that more than half the companies in the world bar their employees from accessing Facebook. Which is just logical, really – Facebook has been named the biggest timewaster in years.

And what happens when a restriction is imposed? The answer is obvious. Someone devises a way to get around it. That is what has just happened with the restriction to access Facebook on their workplaces.

News Feed Email is a new tool that can take your news feed and have it sent straight to your inbox. In this way, you will be able to stay in the loop without even having to go near Facebook at all. You can see all your updates, and you can also see all the photos that go with them.

And a system like News Feed Email is just great in the sense that it will let you save on costs – at no point will you be billed anything. If you are used to checking the latest news on your smartphone, then this service will just be great. You mobile costs will be definitely lowered. In Their Own Words

Get your news feed emailed to your inbox.

Why It Might Be A Killer

It is great because it makes it look as if you were working – the way data is displayed mirrors an actual mail, not a news feed.

Some Questions About

How often are these emails sent? Can you set down the frequency manually?

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