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Do You Have What It Takes To Make It As An Entrepreneur?

W H A T  M A K E S  A N


While “entrepreneur” is pretty easy to define (entrepreneur: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.), the other elements that make an entrepreneur are much harder to pin down.


So what does make an entrepreneur? Is it youth? The hoodie? Or is it a combination of ethereal factors, a certain je ne sais quoi that no one has quite figured out how to name?


While we may not ever be able to name exactly what “makes” an entrepreneur (although I’m willing to bet it’s more than just the hoodie), we can gather data on the actions entrepreneurs take in their daily lives and this infographic from TechnologyAdvice did exactly that.


Some of the facts won’t surprise you too much – like the fact that entrepreneurs work significantly more hours than the rest of the population – but there’s more than one in there that will definitely catch you by surprise. Give it a look and see – are you like most entrepreneurs?


qualities of an entrepreneur


Photo Credits

Noe Araujo via Unsplash | KillerStartups original composite | TechnologyAdvice

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