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HTML Or Movie Trailers – Share And Discover Videos At Vidinterest


Video killed the radio star well before the Internet was a fixture of our lives, and now the homicidal egomaniac is eager to take down any rival online media. The volume, variety, and easy access, all lift video into the brightest spotlight. Video is more fun than ever, and startup Vidinterest wants to maximize both personal and social enjoyment.


Vidinterest is a video discovery platform. Members can share and discover videos, build playlists, or simply surf within this community of visual stimulation. Think of Vidinterest as a friendly filter for finding quality, engaging videos out of the vast sea of options.





Click over video tiles to link to original source pages on familiar sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. Or install the the Vidmarklet into your browser and upload all your favorite videos directly into a Vidinterest account. Share playlists of any theme throughout the Vidinterest community and get to know others with similar or interesting tastes.


Still in beta, a trio of developers has been hard at work enhancing social aspects and content controls. Here are some other notable features worth mentioning:


  • Users can create a private, followers, Friend Only or Public Playlist
  • User can link back to their website or blog via cover photo
  • Users can create a group and share videos within that group
  • Videos can be added either via video input box (+add) in the menu or you can use Vidmarklet
  • Videos also can be added via any webpages / blogs where there are embedded videos from supported sites, using Vidmarklet.
  • Direct traffic to your website through Vidinterest by adding videos via your own blog / website



Startup entrepreneurs can stay up on the latest tech innovations or watch product demonstrations. Some curations that might especially interest KillerStartups readers include the following:


  • technology
  • hacking
  • gadgets and gizmos
  • gaming and animation
  • SEO Basics





Show Me How To…

An abundance of skills valuable to startups can now be learned through video. Either complete courses or quick instructional videos teach everything from coding to photoshop. Instead of paying for some one else to get the job done, thrifty entrepreneurs can study up and build what’s missing themselves. Not to mention, it may soon be obligatory to have an explainer video to introduce visitors to companies of any variety. Never hurts to see what the other guy is doing. Vidinterest offers a number of How to and tutorial videos to help entrepreneurs stay on top of their game.


Here We Are Now, Entertain Us

OK, no one can stand to work all the time. Founders may have a hard time accepting this truth, and experience difficulty – even on the go – prying themselves away from those tablet and mobile screens. So it only seems healthy to refresh the eyes and minds with some video distraction. Vidinterest has plenty of room for silly, entertaining, or inspiring material. Here are just a few playlists that might give the most earnest, bootstrapping soul a much needed break:


  • let’s kill some time
  • time lapse video
  • amazing world and amazing people
  • controversies
  • funny vids





Eyeing Lofty Heights

Vidinterest is the creation of Surfmandu Pvt. Ltd, based in Nepal. Still in his early twenties, Nirajan Bom Malla is the founder and CEO of both companies as well EnBeeOne3. Follow this budding tech enthusiast and business developer on Twitter or Facebook. For more information on Vidinterest, visit here.


Photo Credits

Vidinterest | Nirajan Bom Malla

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