How to submit? – All About The Latest Movies On Twitter

TwitMovie.comThis website will enable those who are really keen on movies to indulge in their passion and learn all about what is being said about the latest releases in the mother of all contexts: Twitter. Alright, I don’t know if Twitter deserves to be called “the mother of all contexts” but when it comes to real-time information we will agree that it is pretty hard to beat.

And people love movies like nothing else, so you can rest assured that there are enough updates regarding movies tweeted out per hour to guarantee a platform like this one has something to offer.

The site will enable you to learn all about what is being said on Twitter about these movies that are setting the box office ablaze, whereas new and upcoming releases have a spot of their very own for you to browse through. The main page also has a real-time stream of movie reviews, thoughts and conversation.

All in all, quite an apt way of staying fully abreast of the major movie developments as they take shape. I don’t think it will displace “conventional” form of criticism any time soon, but movie goers will relish having another source of information at hand. In Their Own Words

“Real-time movie reviews & conversation from Twitter.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

If you are looking for the sentiment of people as regards any movie in real time, this will let you learn all about it.

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