How to submit? – Your Child’s Safe Internet is an integrated web browser and email especially designed for kids or, better, to ensure kids’ safety.

Parents can download the app for free and provide a list of sites and email addresses their children can access and get information from, while restricting access to any other part of the internet or the computer, thus avoiding any potential damage to files stored in local drives. The site is aimed for small children and preteens (teens will probably find it too childish for them), and catches their attention in an effective way, as it works as a complete interface which displays content that parents have previously allowed the children to see. The system works as a simplified intranet where users with higher hierarchies can regulate and restrict what other users can do, so basic web savvy is enough to handle Pikluk. Interestingly, parents or adults in general can remotely log on to Pikluk and change accessibility options and allowed sites, plus the app will soon be available for Mac users, and a Spanish version will be launched in the near future too. In Their Own Words

“Pikluk is a safe browser: As a parent, you login from anywhere into the Parent Dashboard on to configure websites suitable for your children. The Pikluk Browser will only allow access to these websites. Pikluk is a safe email system: Log into the Parent Dashboard and decide with whom your children can correspond. No one else can send them email, including spammers”.

Why It Might Be A Killer

Pikluk can really be a very useful app in the sense that it caters for a very specific need, which is the fear that parents regularly experience of children taking a look at inappropriate content, whether it is sexually explicit or violent or ethically dissimilar from what the household favors. Many parents will definitely be very happy to hear about the launching of Pikluk.

Some Questions About

If Pikluk effectively blocks out the rest of the computer for the child, it will lock out other interesting stuff for them, like PC games or educational activities and resources, so in a way it maximizes the use of internet but hinders the use of computers as a general learning and entertainment resource. Will the Pikluk developers reconsider this aspect?

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