How to submit? – Twit Your Diggs

TwiggIt.orgSomeone had to do it. The folks over at Twiggit.

org have come up with a way for you to combine your two most throbbing internet passions: Twitter and Digg. With this, you’ll be able to let your Twitter followers know every time you Digg an article. This mashes up two of the most popular internet tools of today, making this one of the most useful mash ups I’ve ever come across. Just sign up and start sharing your Diggs on Twitter. All you need is your Digg username, your Twitter account information, and an email address and you’re ready to go. I could go on and on about the advantages of this service, but in all honesty, you have to try it out for yourself. It works perfectly and adds a whole new dimension to the already popular Twitter. In Their Own Words

“twiggit is an automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what articles you digg.”

Why It Might Be A Killer

This is something that was long overdue. It should be a great addition to Twitter users who like Digg.

Some Questions About

Do that many people use Digg? Can you choose what to share and what to keep private?

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