How to submit? – Compare Flights In America

FlightZoo.netFirst-time travelers, this is the site for you. On Flight Zoo you will be able to have different airlines compared side by side, and determine which one is more reliable in a really direct way.

On this site, you can simply key in the number of the flight that you are thinking about taking, and by supplying that information (along with the name of the airline) you will have its overall reliability evaluated.

You will be informed of the likelihood of you getting to your destination in time, and of doing so with all your baggage. You will also be told about how eventful (or not) your flight is going to be.

American Airlines, United Airlines and US Airlines are all contemplated. And there are also lots of other airlines that might not instantly ring a bell, but that are also committed providers of air travel services to people in the US. In Their Own Words

FlightZoo monitors millions of flights and ranks them based upon reliability.

Why It Might Be A Killer

The site makes it all too easy to compare lots of different airlines in a really quick way.

Some Questions About

Have people in other continents got a comparable service? If not, will they ever have one?

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